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- Onion - White Lisbon Bunching
Onion - White Lisbon Bunching
White Lisbon Bunching Onion is known for its zesty flavor. This silvery white onion variety is crisp, mild, and fast growing. It is not affected by long or short days. Add bunching onion to salads or sandwiches for an easy enhancement or enjoy them plain.
Sow Easy seeds are pelleted with an all-natural coating made from a mix of clay, perlite, and FDA-approved food coloring. This coating adds some bulk to small seeds and stands out in the soil, making direct sowing and accurate spacing easier than ever. However, the coating does add a few days to the germination time when compared to uncoated seed.
- FM Pelleted Onion Seeds: 150
Growing Info: 12-14 Days to germinate. 60-110 Days to mature. To grow White Lisbon Bunching Onion sow seeds roughly 2" apart in rows, keeping each row approximately 1' apart. For the finest onions plant directly outdoors in full sun and well-draining soil. Plant two seeds every 2" and when seedlings are 3" tall, thin to stand 4" apart.
Suggestions: To harvest, when White Lisbon Bunching Onion are pencil-thick, begin pulling for table use. Use thinning and green stems like chives.
Health Benefits: Scallions are an excellent source of many essential nutrients. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), which is essential to energy production and metabolism. Vitamin K, which plays a role in blood clotting and bone and muscle health. Vitamin C, which is an antioxidant that supports the immune system.
Other Varieties:
* Product subject to availability. Price may differ from store. Excludes VAT.